Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te

Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting

I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee will be held on:

 Te Rā | Date:

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Te Wā | Time:


Te Wāhi | Location:

Council Chamber

Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road


Kris Pervan

Group Manager Strategy & Growth


Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


Kāpiti Coast District Council

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, on Thursday 4 April 2024, 1.30pm.

Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Members

Cr Sophie Handford


Cr Liz Koh


Mayor Janet Holborow


Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby


Cr Glen Cooper


Cr Martin Halliday


Cr Rob Kofoed


Cr Jocelyn Prvanov


Cr Kathy Spiers


Cr Shelly Warwick


Cr Nigel Wilson


Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai

(André Baker or Janine Huxford)


Ms Kim Tahiwi


Mr Huriwai Paki



Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


Te Raupapa Take | Order Of Business

1          Nau Mai | Welcome. 5

2          Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing. 5

3          Whakapāha | Apologies. 5

4          Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda. 5

5          He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda. 5

6          Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations. 5


7          Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business. 5

8          He Kōrero Hou | Updates. 6

8.1         Update on Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategies. 6

9          Pūrongo | Reports. 8

9.1            Developing Vision Kāpiti - a progress update. 8

10       Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes. 15

10.1          Confirmation of Minutes. 15

11       Karakia whakamutunga | Closing Karakia. 20



1            Nau Mai | Welcome

2            Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing

I a mātou e whiriwhiri ana i ngā take kei mua i ō mātou aroaro


E pono ana mātou ka kaha tonu ki te whakapau mahara huapai mō ngā hapori e mahi nei mātou.


Me kaha hoki mātou katoa kia whaihua, kia tōtika tā mātou mahi,


Ā, mā te māia, te tiro whakamua me te hihiri


Ka taea te arahi i roto i te kotahitanga me te aroha.


As we deliberate on the issues before us,



We trust that we will reflect positively on the
communities we serve.



Let us all seek to be effective and just,



So that with courage, vision and energy,



We provide positive leadership in a spirit of harmony and compassion.

3            Whakapāha | Apologies

4            Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda

Notification from Elected Members of:

4.1 – any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating to the items of business for this meeting, and

4.2 – any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968

5            He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

6            Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations


7            Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business

(a)       Leave of Absence

(b)       Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


8            He Kōrero Hou | Updates

8.1         Update on Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategies

Kaituhi | Author:                      Doug Simpson, Principal Advisor, Strategy

Kaiwhakamana | AuthoriserKris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth


Te pūtake | Purpose

1        This paper provides an update on development of the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, and an Environment Strategy for the Kāpiti District. 



That the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee:    

A.      Note the contents of this update and revised engagement approach for the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy and Environment Strategy.

B.      Approve the extended development timeline for finalising the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, and Environment Strategy from 30 June 2024 to 30 September 2024.

C.      Note that the Climate and Environment Subcommittee supported the change in approach and timeline at its meeting on 27 February 2024, and that the Subcommitee is expected to formally note its endorsement of this change at its meeting on 4 April 2024.


Tūāpapa | Background

2        At the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee (SOF) meeting on 22 February 2024, we provided you an update on the progress with the four key Operating Strategies currently in development.

3        This indicated that:

3.1     for the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, following agreement to an aspirational net zero emissions target by 2040 in December 2023, we would test a Direction of Travel document (DoT) with the Climate Change and Resilience Community Think Tank, including new Community Board and mana whenua members, and then bring the DoT back to SOF on 14 March (meeting moved to 4 April) 2024 for approval to consult with the Community in late March.

3.2     for the Environment Strategy, the key content for the DoT was going to the Climate and Environment Subcommittee (CES) on 27 February 2024 for their review and endorsement following which SOF would be asked at its 4 April meeting to consider and approve it for public consultation.

He take | issues

4        At the Climate Change and Resilience Community Think Tank meeting on 23 February 2024, members provided feedback around the engagement and communication challenges/opportunities and noted concerns around meaningful mana whenua input, climate adaptation as a gap, and potential for the group to focus on tangible things that people could become engaged with now.

5        The timing of Council’s engagement on the climate and environment strategies was also discussed, having regard to other related work currently being undertaken, including Vision Kāpiti, Takutai Kāpiti, the Long-Term Plan and Kāpiti Whaitua (led by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC)).

6        On the basis of this discussion, the Climate and Environment Subcommittee agreed on 27 February that we push out the timeframes for the DoT for both the Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategies, given their interrelated nature.  

7        Adjusting the order of formal DoT consultation activities for will provide opportunities to better: 

7.1     Embody the community values and priorities identified through engagement on Vision Kāpiti and the Long-Term Plan, relating to climate change and our environment.

7.2     Incorporate the direction given by Takutai Kāpiti in relation to coastal adaptation and by Kāpiti Whaitua in relation to the management of water in the district.

7.3     Meaningfully engage with mana whenua to ensure that the strategies reflect the values and priorities of tangata whenua in relation to climate change and our environment.

7.4     Mitigate the potential for consultation fatigue or confusion to arise from having multiple community engagement activities occurring concurrently.

7.5     Engage with key stakeholder groups that are active in responding to climate change to better align goals, identify opportunities to lift capacity among stakeholder groups, and ensure Council and community resources and effort are being applied in the most effective and efficient ways, to improve environmental outcomes. 

Ngā kōwhiringa | Options

8        There are no options to consider.

ngā Mahi panuku | next steps

9        Having regard to the above, and as endorsed by the Climate and Environment Subcommittee, the next steps on the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy and the Environment Strategy will involve:

9.1     Seeking general community input on environmental values and priorities as a part of the Vision Kāpiti engagement, via the Have your say website and the Ōtaki Library engagement hub during March-April 2024.

9.2     Engaging with mana whenua, through to August 2024, to inform the development of the DoT engagement documents and draft strategies.

9.3     Engaging with key stakeholder groups, including the Climate Change and Resilience Think Tank and advisory groups, and central and regional government agencies, through to July 2024, including possible climate and environment stakeholder symposium(s) with date TBC.

9.4     The opportunity to better align and incorporate work on Takutai Kāpiti Coastal Adaptation Plan and the Kāpiti Whaitua work.

9.5     Formal public engagement on the Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategy DoT documents from July 2024, subject to CES and SOF endorsement.

9.6     Drafting of the Climate and Resilience Strategy and the Environment Strategy, for consideration and endorsement by CES and SOF by September 2024.


 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments



Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


9            Pūrongo | Reports

9.1         Developing Vision Kāpiti - a progress update

Kaituhi | Author:                      Gina Anderson-Lister, Strategy Manager

Kaiwhakamana | AuthoriserKris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth


Te pūtake | Purpose

1        This update on Vision Kāpiti outlines:

1.1     Engagement with the community through 2023 and early 2024.

1.2     Development of the research work programme, and timing of key deliverables to enable more targeted reporting on community needs.

He whakarāpopoto | EXecutive summary

2        An executive summary is not required for this paper.

Te tuku haepapa | Delegation

3        The Strategy, Operations and Finance (SO&F) Committee has delegations under the following section of Part B.1 of the Governance Structure and Delegation 2022-2025 Triennium: “Strategic setting and approving the policy and strategy work programme”.



That the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee:

A.      Note Vision Kapiti progress, and feedback to date, as outlined in paragraphs 6 to 14.

B.      Note the research work programme and actions already underway, as outlined in paragraphs 15 to 18.

Tūāpapa | Background

Vision Kāpiti

4        The Committee was last updated on the development of Vision Kapiti on 14 September 2023.  This paper:

4.1     Provided an update on the newly established Engagement Hub, which went live in Waikanae in August 2023 with the first topics for community feedback including Councillor’s priorities, Health, and Housing. Discussion and engagement also commenced to support Local Area Vision processes, which was expected to gather pace across September 2023.

4.2     Noted that feedback on the stand-up of the engagement hub was positive, and that the hub would be a regular feature of Council’s engagement approach.

4.3     Shared that early feedback from the Engagement Hub, and online Have Your Say, indicated support for the Councillor priorities, and strong interest in more been done to address health, housing, and economic development issues in the District.

Outcomes Framework

5        The Committee was last updated on the development of a refreshed Outcomes Framework on 14 September 2023.  This paper:

5.1     Shared work around determining the core activities that Council is expected to deliver, referencing to more than 50 Legislative Acts that either provided for local authorities to undertake an activity; or established the scope to choose to undertake an activity. This mandate sets a minimum service requirement for Councils which is valuable in supporting discussion around Long-Term Plan levels of service; including exploring other services it has mandate for but may not currently provide, which could generate new or alternate revenue.

5.2     Provided an overview of the approach for developing the outcomes framework, which will link the core mandated activities that Council delivers to our new community outcomes (e.g. the needs related to ‘People, Place and Partnership’). The purpose of progressing this work is to ensure we can transparently share with the community, why we deliver services; and that there is a clear line of sight to ensuring the needs of community members are met.

5.3     Introduced two new elements for performance focus around productivity and social return for investment, to enable Council to more regularly understand and report on the efficiency and effectiveness of activities as part of new reporting regime.

He kōrerorero | Discussion

Vision Kāpiti

6        Phase 1 of Vision Kapiti is now heading into its final quarter, with Elected Members receiving a summary around the reach of engagement with the community on 7 March 2024, and identifying key groups where more targeted engagement would be of value through to June 2024. As noted in Diagram 1 below, the final District and Local Visions are on-track to be finalised in mid-2024; with Phase 2 work progressing to develop a blueprint for 2060+, and overview of how to get there through a supporting masterplan and pathways for change framework.

Diagram 1: Vision Kapiti

7        To date, we have:

7.1     Held four rounds of Districtwide engagement through the engagement hub (including libraries, Coastlands, Civic Centre in Paraparaumu, and local markets), have your say, and targeted engagements (e.g. Kāpiti Food Fair and Coastlands) on the following topics: Councillor Priorities, Health, Housing, Tourism, Employment and Income, Education, Safety, and Networks and connections, Food, Energy, Land Use and Environment

7.2     At a local level, assisted community boards to each stand up their own approach to engaging with their communities, including establishing a website, survey and feedback postcards and providing sight of local event opportunities. Community Boards from Paekākāriki, Raumati, Paraparaumu, Waikanae, and Ōtaki have been running their own engagement series at key community events including local markets, libraries, interest group meetings (such as Rotary and Toi Mahara), and schools.

7.3     Eleven topics currently online as noted above, as well as a Landing a Vision for Kāpiti overview topic, which asks about what makes Kāpiti feel like home, and what changes people would like to see now, and in the next generation, and the Councillors’ Top Priorities.

8        We are operating a low-cost approach for supporting Elected Member engagements. We have ensured that promotion of Vision Kāpiti has covered a range of channels including local newspapers; drop-ins at the train station; Coastlands ‘wishing tree’; social media launch and updates; regular stories in Everything Kāpiti; digital ads through google and Facebook, including google adwords promotion; media advisories; an email to ratepayers and flyers included in rates invoice instalment; an email to schools including content for school newsletters; and radio ads on Beach FM and Mediaworks and Stuff networks including an interview with Councillor Handford on Beach FM.

9        It will not be possible to hear from every member of our community through this visioning process. However, it will be vital to hear from a statistically significant sample of people from across the Kāpiti District so that we have confidence that the Vision we land is reflective of our broad communities wishes now and into the future. This means that we:

9.1     Will need to hear from between 1,700 and 2,500 people (3-5% significance standard) in our existing population base of 56,000.

9.2     Also need to make sure that we have an appropriate demographic representation that matches our community profile including age group, ethnicity, and areas of the district.

10      Since August 2023, we estimate[1] that the 3,500 (circa) responses we have received reflect feedback from 1,200 individuals or groups. Districtwide and Local Vision data reports are in development to transparently share where feedback has come from, what the feedback said, and the key themes that are emerging from this. This information will be released with draft Vision boards at Districtwide and Local area level for final discussion with communities in May and June 2024.

11      To date, feedback has included focus on what makes Kāpiti feel like home, improving health and housing, and improved land use which balances growth with protecting our environment. People have also commented on an increased focus on tourism, employment, education, safety, and connectivity (getting around our district, and enabling connection).

12      With planned engagements through to May and June 2024, we are confident that we will have heard from around 2,500 people. However, there is further targeted engagement needed to ensure we have perspectives from key interest groups, and mana whenua. An overview of Elected Members feedback on additional engagement is attached in Appendix 1.

13      By the end of June 2024 we will have a final draft set of  Vision products. We are planning for this to be an engaging online interactive format that represents aspirations for the district as a whole and for each local area. A mock-up is in development, of the static image, which will be circulated to Elected Members for consideration in late April 2024.

14      Following this, as previously agreed by Council, we will further develop the pathways and blueprint approach to outline how we will make the aspirations from Vision Kāpiti a reality over the long term, including our approach to spatial planning to support this. 

Outcomes framework update

15      On 7 March 2024, Elected Members were asked for feedback on the core components of the Council’s proposed research work programme, which includes a social needs assessment.

16      The proposed research work programme over the 2024-2027 period, as illustrated in Diagram 1 below, includes four key areas:

16.1   Community profiles – population, demographics, and business (light blue).

Existing community profiles will be updated off the back off the Census and other core information about our population, demographics, and businesses. The first phase of this work will progress after the Census 2024 results are released which is expected in mid-2024; and a second phase is likely to occur in 2027 in advance of the next Long-Term Plan.

16.2   Outcomes framework development – ‘place, people, and partnership’ (dark blue).

Implementing the underpinning outcomes framework for ‘Place, people, and partnership’ will be progressed so that there is clarity around how Council’s, and other stakeholders, activity supports achievement of the priorities set in the Kapiti District’s Long-Term Plan, and how well we are addressing the needs of our community. To date, a suite of refreshed measures is now short-listed for inclusion in the Long-Term Plan. Through the next year, a more comprehensive set of measures (picking up on Elected Members feedback) will be established to enable analysis of changes in key trends; and to identify issues for future focus and priority.

16.3   Outcomes reporting (dark grey).

A new outcomes report will be released annually reporting on the comprehensive suite of measures developed (as noted in paragraph 16.2). The first release of the report will incorporate monitoring dashboards for Health, Housing, Environment, Business and the economy in the Kapiti District. The first Dashboard will be developed after completion of the first Phase of Vision Kapiti (post June 2024).

16.4   Base analysis on Kapiti, including Kāpiti Coast’s Housing and Social Needs Assessments (light grey).

Updating the District’s existing Housing Needs Assessment is a requirement of the National Policy Statement for Urban Development. Work is currently underway to scope the focus for this project.

Developing a Social Needs Assessment, to set out a comprehensive assessment of social needs encompassing social support, health, education, safety and other key areas has been requested by Elected Members. Work is currently underway to scope this project (including identifying key stakeholders for engagement and input).

Diagram 1: research programme phases of work









17      A paper outlining the approach for the ‘Base analysis on Kapiti’ section (refer to paragraph 16.4) of the research work programme will be circulated for your approval in May 2024.

18      Going forward, the research work programme will be incorporated into the Policy Work Programme so that refresh of policies, strategies, and accompanying research and analysis is more transparently connected and regularly approved by this Committee.


He take | Issues

19      There are no issues to raise.


Ngā kōwhiringa | Options

20      No options are presented in this report.

Mana whenua

21      Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga (Nga Hapu o Ōtaki), and Ngāti Toa Rangatira undertake targeted engagement with their iwi members and the community. As is possible, we are identifying opportunities to incorporate feedback from these processes.

22      Nga Hapu o Ōtaki has worked alongside the Ōtaki Community Board to provide a comprehensive engagement approach with the Ōtaki community. Feedback from wananga held by Nga Hapu o Ōtaki and the broader community has informed the Ōtaki, and Vision Kapiti work.

23      We are engaging with Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai and Ngāti Toa Rangatira to ensure that feedback from their independent wananga can also be captured in the Vision Kapiti process.

24      Our iwi partners have also been invited to all strategic direction briefings to ensure feedback from these processes and mana whenua voice is included.  We have received positive feedback from Ngāti Toa and Ngā Hapū ō Ōtaki on the approach for Vision Kāpiti.

Panonitanga Āhuarangi me te Taiao | Climate change and Environment

25      There are no direct climate or environmental impacts from this paper. However, feedback received through Vision Kāpiti will be used in the development of the Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategies. The outcomes framework and strategic architecture being developed through the Vision Kāpiti process will also provide greater direction on climate matters and more robust reporting on our impacts.

Ahumoni me ngā rawa | Financial and resourcing

26      There are no immediate funding implications from this paper. However the discussed productivity measures that are part of the outcomes framework are likely to help inform future financial and resourcing decisions made by Council. Further to this, the pace at which this work is progressed will match the resource available to do so.

Tūraru ā-Ture me te Whakahaere | Legal and Organisational Risk

27      There are no specific legal or organisational risks to be discussed in this paper. The Vision Kāpiti approach and outcomes framework aim to increase the community’s trust and confidence in our organisation through a transparent and co-designed long-term Vision for the district, and robust reporting.

Ngā pānga ki ngā kaupapa here | Policy impact

28      There are no policy impacts from this paper. However, Vision Kāpiti will guide the overall Council work programme, and the way in which we report on it, in the future.


TE whakawhiti kōrero me te tūhono | Communications & engagement

29      Communications and engagement activity to date and upcoming plans are discussed in the body of this report.

Te mahere tūhono | Engagement planning

30      The Strategy & Growth Group is working closely with our communications team to plan the engagement activity discussed in this report.

Whakatairanga | Publicity

31      There is no further publicity planned specific to this paper. Ongoing publicity related to our Vision Kāpiti engagement programme is noted in the body of this paper.


Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments

1.       Elected Members feedback on additional engagement  


Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024



Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


10          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

10.1       Confirmation of Minutes

Author:                    Maria Cameron, Advisor Democracy Services

Authoriser:             Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth




Taunakitanga  | Recommendations   

That the minutes of the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee meeting of 22 February 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record.



 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments

1.       Unconfirmed Minutes of Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting  22 February 2024  


Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024



Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


11          Karakia whakamutunga | Closing Karakia

Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa,


Kia hua ai te mākihikihi, e kī ana


Kia toi te kupu


Kia toi te reo


Kia toi te wairua


Kia tau te mauri


Ki roto i a mātou mahi katoa i tēnei rā


Haumi e! Hui e! Taiki e!


May blessings be upon us all,



And our business be successful.


So that our words endure,


And our language endures,


May the spirit be strong,


May mauri be settled and in balance,


Among the activities we will do today


Join, gather, and unite!  Forward together!



[1] The reason for our estimate is that in places we have had feedback from groups rather than individuals and we need to make sure this is reflected appropriately.