Coast District Council
Social Sustainability
Subcommittee Meeting
Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
ON Thursday, 19 September
2024 AT 9.31am
PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby (Chair), Cr Martin Halliday (via Zoom), Mayor Janet Holborow, Cr Nigel Wilson, Mr Jonny Best, Ms Kim Tahiwi, Mr Michael Moore
IN ATTENDANCE: Cr Sophie Handford (via Zoom), Mr Brendan Owens, Ms Kris Pervan, Ms Anna Smith, Ms Kate Coutts, Mr Evan Dubisky, Ms Emma Haxton, Ms Morag Taimalietane, Monique Engelen, Gina Anderson-Lister
Cr Rob Kofoed, Cr Kathy Spiers, Ms Sorcha Ruth (Paekākāriki Community Board), Mr Guy Burns (Paraparaumu Community Board) |
1 NAU MAI | Welcome
Brendan Owens, Group Manager Customer and Community welcomed everyone to the meeting in the Chair and Deputy Chair’s absence. The Social Sustainability Subcommittee then proceeded to elect a Chairperson for the duration of the meeting.
Election of Meeting Chairperson in the Absence of the Chair and Deputy Chair |
Committee Resolution SSS2024/25 Moved: Mr Michael Moore Seconder: Mayor Janet Holborow
2 KARAKIA A TE KAUNIHERA | Council Blessing
At the invitation of the Chair, the Mayor read the Council blessing.
Committee Resolution SSS2024/26 Moved: Cr Nigel Wilson Seconder: Mr Michael Moore That the apology received from Cr Rob Kofoed, Cr Kathy Spiers, Ms Sorcha Ruth, and Mr Guy Burns be accepted. |
The Chair noted that he had an interest in a Social Investment Fund recipient Kapiti Impact Trust, which briefly features in Item 8.1 Update on Social Investment within the agenda.
There were public speakers at the meeting.
6 Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations
Sandra Daly, Chair of the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group, alongside Janet Dean, Ian Powell and Clare Hynd, the leads of the Group’s Tamariki and Rangatahi, Access to Services, and Mental Health workstreams, spoke to the appended presentation to provide an update on the workstreams, and answered Subcommittee members’ questions. |
Appendices 1 Presentation - Kapiti Health Advisory Group |
The meeting adjourned at 10.44am and reconvened at 10.56am.
7 Ngā Take a ngā Mema | Members’ Business
(a) There were no requests for a leave of absence.
(b) There were no Matters of an Urgent Nature.
(c) Members’ Items was moved to a later part of the meeting.
Cr Nigel Wilson returned to the meeting at 11.03am after the adjournment.
Emma Haxton, Team Leader Connected Communities and Monique Engelen, Manager Climate Action and Connected Communities spoke to the appended presentation to provide an update on Social Investment, and alongside Brendan Owens, Group Manager Customer and Community, answered Subcommittee members’ questions. Michael Moore left the meeting at 11.19am and returned at 11.20am. |
Committee Resolution SSS2024/27 Moved: Cr Nigel Wilson Seconder: Ms Kim Tahiwi That the Social Sustainability Subcommittee note the update on the Social Investment Fund heading into Year 3 of the funding. |
1 Presentation - Update on Social Investment |
Item 7(c) Members’ Item was moved from earlier in the meeting. There were no updates on Members’ Items to be provided.
9 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Committee Resolution SSS2024/28 Moved: Cr Nigel Wilson Seconder: Mr Jonny Best That the minutes of the Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting of 1 August 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record. |
10 Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Karakia
At the invitation of the Chair, Kim Tahiwi closed the meeting with karakia whakamutunga.
The Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting closed at 11.50am.