Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting

I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee will be held on:

 Te Rā | Date:

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Te Wā | Time:


Te Wāhi | Location:

Council Chamber

Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road


Sonja Williams

Acting Group Manager Customer and Community


Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


Kāpiti Coast District Council

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee will be held in the Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, on Tuesday 9 April 2024, 9.30am.

Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee Members

Cr Martin Halliday


Cr Rob Kofoed


Mayor Janet Holborow


Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby


Cr Kathy Spiers


Cr Nigel Wilson


Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai (André Baker or Janine Huxford)


Mr Huriwai Paki


Ms Kim Tahiwi


Mr Guy Burns


Mr Jonny Best


Mrs Jackie Elliott


Ms Sorcha Ruth


Mr Michael Moore



Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


Te Raupapa Take | Order Of Business

1         Nau Mai | Welcome. 5

2         Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing. 5

3         Whakapāha | Apologies. 5

4         Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda. 5

5         He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda. 5

6         Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations. 5

7         Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business. 5

8         He Kōrero Hou | Updates. 6

8.1           Housing Update - Kāinga Ora. 6

8.2           Update on Kapiti Health Advisory Group work programme. 7

9         Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes. 8

9.1           Confirmation of Minutes. 8

10       Karakia whakamutunga | Closing karakia. 13



1          Nau Mai | Welcome

2          Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing

I a mātou e whiriwhiri ana i ngā take kei mua i ō mātou aroaro


E pono ana mātou ka kaha tonu ki te whakapau mahara huapai mō ngā hapori e mahi nei mātou.


Me kaha hoki mātou katoa kia whaihua, kia tōtika tā mātou mahi,


Ā, mā te māia, te tiro whakamua me te hihiri


Ka taea te arahi i roto i te kotahitanga me te aroha.


As we deliberate on the issues before us,



We trust that we will reflect positively on the
communities we serve.



Let us all seek to be effective and just,



So that with courage, vision and energy,



We provide positive leadership in a spirit of harmony and compassion.

3          Whakapāha | Apologies

4          Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda

Notification from Elected Members of:

4.1 – any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating to the items of business for this meeting, and

4.2 – any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968

5          He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

6          Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations

7          Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business

(a)        Leave of Absence

(b)        Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

(c)        Members’ Items

Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


8          He Kōrero Hou | Updates

8.1         Housing Update - KĀinga Ora

Author:                    Stephen Cross, Housing Programme Manager

Authoriser:              Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth



1        This update shares key discussion with Kāinga Ora, following the last Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting.

He take | issues

2        On Wednesday 20 March 2024 the Mayor, Chair of the Social Sustainability Subcommittee and Senior staff supporting the Council’s Housing Programme met with Kāinga Ora. Key issues and points discussed included:

The Kapiti Rapid Rehousing Advocate service and funding challenges:

2.1    Kāinga Ora indicated they support the need for such roles but that the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and Ministry of Urban Housing and Development (MHuD) are the funders for this work.

2.2    In the interim, Council will support the Advocate service but meet with MSD and MHuD as this is clearly a central government funding responsibility.

Wait lists and allocation of housing:

2.3    Council queried why the five new Kāinga Ora social houses in Ōtaki were let to people from outside the district. Kāinga Ora noted they were not aware of this, and that it would be on the basis of priority in the MSD waitlist. They did note that this was disappointing, as Kāinga Ora has a role in ensuring fit for tenants within the neighbourhood and local community, including support services and wrap-around. It was noted that Kāinga Ora has been discussing the need to prioritise locals into housing, and that more work was needed in this space. Kāinga Ora is going to look into the processes used for the recent allocation to Ōtaki social housing to ensure the appropriate internal policies were followed.

2.4    Council noted that the waiting list held by MSD is not complete and that this is not a true reflection of demand. To get this view, the information that Council, MSD, Kāinga Ora, and local networks would need to be brought together.

2.5    As a result of this discussion, Council will be initiating a hui with iwi and Central Government Senior Officials including MSD Regional Commissioners, Kāinga Ora and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development so that work can be done to create the more comprehensive list. The purpose of this hui will be to provide a basis for prioritising social housing to people in our community on the back of this list. The benefit of doing so will be to benefit the existing social fabric and connections in our community.


 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments



Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


8.2         Update on Kapiti Health Advisory Group work programme

Author:                    Gina Anderson-Lister, Strategy Manager

Authoriser:              Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth



1        This update shares a progress update from the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group on their work programme.

He take | issues

2        Ian Powell, who leads the Access to Services workstream of the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group work programme, will give a brief update on progress in this workstream, with a focus on their work looking at expanded local service needs and provision via an integrated facility covering primary and secondary care (or ‘polyclinic’).


 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments



Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


9          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

9.1         Confirmation of Minutes

Author:                    Evan Dubisky, Democracy Services Advisor

Authoriser:              Sonja Williams, Acting Group Manager Customer and Community



Taunakitanga | Recommendations    

That the minutes and minutes appendices of the Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting of 7 March 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record.



 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments

1.       Unconfirmed Minutes of 7 March 2024 Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting  


Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


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Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

9 April 2024


10        Karakia whakamutunga | Closing karakia

Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa,


Kia hua ai te mākihikihi, e kī ana


Kia toi te kupu


Kia toi te reo


Kia toi te wairua


Kia tau te mauri


Ki roto i a mātou mahi katoa i tēnei rā


Haumi e! Hui e! Taiki e!


May blessings be upon us all,



And our business be successful.


So that our words endure,


And our language endures,


May the spirit be strong,


May mauri be settled and in balance,


Among the activities we will do today


Join, gather, and unite!  Forward together!