MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Social Sustainability Subcommittee Meeting
Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Thursday, 16 March 2023 AT 1.45pm


PRESENT:              Cr Martin Halliday, Cr Rob Kofoed, Cr Kathy Spiers, Mayor Janet Holborow, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, Cr Nigel Wilson, Huriwai Paki (via Zoom), Jonny Best, Sorcha Ruth (via Zoom), Cam Butler


IN ATTENDANCE: Cr Sophie Handford, Kim Tahiwi, Janice McDougall, Mike Mendonça, Kelvin Irvine, Claire Winter, Marie Ottley-Clark, Claire Rewi, Stephen Cross, Donna Creary, Darryn Grant, Kris Pervan, Morag Taimalietane, Steffi Haefeli, Anna Smith


WHAKAPĀHA |      Jackie Elliott



LEAVE OF               There were none




1            NAU MAI | Welcome

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2            KARAKIA A TE KAUNIHERA | Council Blessing

Jonny Best read the Council blessing.

3            WHAKAPĀHA | Apologies


Committee Resolution  SSS2023/2

Moved:       Cr Rob Kofoed

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That the apology received from Jackie Elliott be accepted.



4            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda 

It was noted that Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby is a Trustee of Kapiti Impact Trust, and therefore has an interest in the Social Investment Programme update.

5            He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

Mandy Savage, Health Promoter Cancer Society spoke in regards to reducing smoking prevalence in Kāpiti and spoke to promoting a smokefree and vape free outdoor policy.  Mandy Savage also spoke in regards to the harms of vaping. Catherine Manning also spoke in regards to the importance of smoke free policies.

6            Ngā Take a ngā Mema | Members’ Business

(a)             Leave of absence - There were none

(b)             Matters of an Urgent Nature – there were none

(c)              Member’s Items – this was moved to later in the meeting

7            He Kōrero Hou | Updates

7.1         Presentation from Kāpiti Health Advisory Group

Sandra Daly, Chair of Kāpiti Health Advisory Group (KHAG) and Dr Graham Scott spoke to the sub-committee in regards to achieving better health outcomes for Kāpiti. Sandra Daly gave a background to KHAG and the 5 key priorities which were developed.  These were access to services, urgent and emergency care, improved mental health services, better care for disabled people, and care for our older people and families.  Sandra Daly outlined how KHAG and the Council could work together to develop a framework that works well for Kāpiti.

Graham Scott also spoke on the background of KHAG and how it was established, the ongoing work of the group, and what is needed to residents of Kāpiti for better community health outcomes and health policy intersects with the work of Council.

Ms Daly and Dr Scott answered questions from members.


7.2         Asset Management Plan for public toilets

Mr Mendonça, Acting Group Manager Place & Space and Claire Winter presented a proposed asset management plan for public toilets.  Mr Mendonça proposes to bring an Asset Management Plan through the Social Sustainability Subcommittee and the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee for consideration.

Claire Winter explained the function and format of Asset Management Plans, and which public toilet assets would need upgrading and the proposed timeline and reasons for upgrades.

Mr Mendonça and Ms Winter answered questions from members.



7.3         Update on the Social Investment Programme

Marie Ottley-Clark and Claire Rewi from the Connected Communities Team presented the Social Investment Programme.

In 2017 a new approach was established for how Council invested in services that contribute to social investment in our community.  Ms Rewi outlined the scope of Social Investment Funding and the priorities, the organisations council works with, and the outcomes from the investment funding that the community has seen.


Ms Rewi and Ms Ottley-Clark answered questions from members.


Mayor Janet Holborow left the meeting at 3:20 pm.

Mr Huriwai Paki left the meeting at 3:30 pm and did not return.

Mr Cam Butler left the meeting at 3:35 pm and did not return.

Cr Rob Kofoed left the meeting at 3:37 pm.

Cr Rob Kofoed returned to the meeting at 3:39 pm.



7.4         Review of Council Older Persons Housing – Project Scope

Kris Pervan and Stephen Cross presented the proposed Review of Older Persons Housing.

Stephen Cross identified what would be within the scope of the review, and outlined the need for a communications and engagement strategy.

Stephen Cross sought feedback on issues that members were aware of that the team had not considered, their vision for older persons housing, and any steps or key consultation groups that should be considered.

Members gave their feedback on the proposed review and asked questions of the team.

The team will be bringing a paper to the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee in April to further progress the project.


Mayor Janet Holborow returned to the meeting at 3:54 pm.

Mayor Janet Holborow left the meeting at 3:55 pm and did not return.



7.5         Update on Healthy Homes and Older Persons’ Housing Portfolio

Mike Mendonça, Kelvin Irvine, and Donna Creary presented on the Healthy Homes Standards and the refurbishment of the Older Persons Housing Portfolio.

Ms Creary outlined the issues that need to be dealt with during the upgrade – these include heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress and drainage, and draught stopping.  While council intends to meet the regulatory requirements, we also intend to exceed them in some areas.


Mr Irvine explained the contract and the timeline of the project.

Mr Mendonça, Mr Irvine, and Ms Creary answered questions from members.



(c)     Members’ Items


Cr Halliday gave an update on the Manaaki Kāpiti Funding, and his activities over the past few weeks.  Cr Halliday has been working on moving KHAG to a position where they can be an advisory panel.  Cr Halliday would like the Social Sustainability Subcommittee to focus on the housing situation, and advised of an ongoing monthly meeting with Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy and Growth.  

Cr Halliday asked if members had any issues to raise.

Cr Kirby raised a question over how council’s partnership with KHAG would work.  Cr Spiers has been assigned to KHAG, and more would be worked out once a Terms of Reference had been developed.

Jonny Best noted that Raumati Community Board is watching Kainga Ora’s proposal for Raumati closely, and also the surplus land sale from the Expressway.


8            Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

8.1         Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution  SSS2023/3

Moved:       Cr Kathy Spiers

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That the minutes of the Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting of 2 February 2023 be accepted as a true and correct record.




9            TE WHAKAŪNGA O NGĀ ĀMIKI KĀORE E WĀTEA KI TE MAREA | Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

There were none.


The Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting closed with karakia by Cr Halliday at 4:31pm.



