MINUTES OF Kapiti Coast District Council
Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) Meeting
Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Tuesday, 19 November 2024 AT 9.36am

PRESENT:              Cr Nigel Wilson, Cr Glen Cooper, Mayor Janet Holborow, Cr Shelly Warwick (via Zoom), Cr Rob Kofoed

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Sean Mallon, Ms Anna Smith, Mr Evan Dubisky, Mr Cam Butler, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

WHAKAPĀHA |      Mr Bernie Randall


LEAVE OF               Mr Tonchi Begovich



1            Nau Mai | Welcome

The Chair, Nigel Wilson, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2            KARAKIA A TE KAUNIHERA | Council Blessing

At the request of the Chair, Mayor Janet Holborow opened the meeting with karakia.

3            WHAKAPĀHA | Apologies


Committee Resolution  GACL2024/1

Moved:       Cr Glen Cooper

Seconder:  Mayor Janet Holborow

That the apology received from Mr Bernie Randall be accepted.



4            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda

No declarations of interest were raised at this meeting.

5            HE WĀ KŌRERO KI TE MAREA MŌ NGĀ MEA E HĀNGAI ANA KI TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

No public speakers were present at this meeting.

6            NGĀ TAKE A NGĀ MEMA | Members’ Business

(a)             No leaves of absence were requested at this meeting.

(b)             The Chair had not been advised of any matters of an urgent nature prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Cr Rob Kofoed joined the meeting at 9:42am.

7            Pūrongo | Reports

7.1         Recommendations on Waste Levy Grant applications 2024-2025 Business Waste Reduction

David Binstead, Senior Waste Minimisation Officer, took the report as read and answered questions from elected members along with Robbie Stillwell, Manager Waste Projects.

Committee Resolution  GACL2024/2

Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Cr Glen Cooper

A.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $1,000 in the Business Waste Reduction category to Crooked Vege Ōtaki for reusable totes and containers in respect of their wholesale distribution partnerships.

B.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $2,785 in the Business Waste Reduction category to Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki for a biochar system to pilot diverting organic biomass waste from landfill.

C.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $745 in the Business Waste Reduction category to Land Matters for a waste audit to assess and implement company-wide waste minimisation actions.

D.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $4,230 in the Business Waste Reduction category to The Roastery for a reusables initiative to tackle single-use cup waste.

E.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund Katihuki Marae Committee in the Business Waste Reduction category.

F.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund Beach FM in the Business Waste Reduction category.



7.2         Recommendations on Waste Levy Grant applications 2024-2025 - Community Projects

David Binstead, Senior Waste Minimisation Officer, took the report as read and read aloud a statement from a grant applicant. Mr Binstead and Robbie Stillwell, Manager Waste Projects, answered questions from elected members.

Committee Resolution  GACL2024/3

Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Cr Shelly Warwick

A.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $2,116 in the Community Projects category to Ōtaki College for sustainable period underwear.

B.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $6,671 in the Community Projects category to Raumati Technology Centre to provide community waste minimisation education and practical skills to reduce waste, across three sub-projects.

C.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $2,000 in the Community Projects category to Cyclic Solutions for refurbishment and recycling of bicycles and components.

D.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $4,602 in the Community Projects category to Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano for recovered/recycled building materials sourcing in-region at Otaihanga Zero Waste Hub.

E.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $5,000 in the Community Projects category to Paekākāriki Orchard Group for promoting and expanding their PaeCycle Project, consisting of: hardship subsidy fund, fund compost co-ordinator for one more year, introduction of community education at monthly meets/working bees.

F.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $800 in the Community Projects category to Ōtaki Womens Community Club for Organic Wealth waste minimisation expertise.

G.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $4,500 in the Community Projects category to Worm It Up for kitchen scraps composting subscription service expansion.

H.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $811 in the Community Projects category to He Iti nā Mōtai for eligible composting expenditure.

I.      That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $2,500 in the Community Projects category to Māoriland Charitable Trust [option 2] to support reuse at Māoriland Film Festival.

J.     That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) approves to fund $1,000 in the Community Projects category to Katihuki Marae Committee for colour-coded bins and signage.

K.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund the grant application from Māoriland Charitable Trust [option 1].

L.    That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund the grant application from Waikanae Primary School.

M.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund the grant application from Beach FM.

N.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund the grant application from Ruth De Jager Consulting.

O.   That the Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) declines to fund the grant application from Ahoaho māra kai.



8            Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Karakia

Mayor Janet Holborow closed the meeting with karakia.


The Te Komiti Tuku Tahua Pūtea | Grants Allocation Committee (Waste Levy) meeting closed at 9:53am.



