Coast District Council
Social Sustainability
Subcommittee Meeting
Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
ON Tuesday, 9 April
2024 AT 9.35am
PRESENT: Cr Martin Halliday (Chair), Cr Rob Kofoed, Mayor Janet Holborow, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, Cr Kathy Spiers, Cr Nigel Wilson, Mr Jonny Best, Mr Michael Moore, Ms Kim Tahiwi (via Zoom)
IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Sonja Williams, Mr Darren Edwards, Ms Kris Pervan, Mr Sean Mallon, Ms Hara Adams, Ms Gina Anderson-Lister, Ms Anna Smith, Ms Jessica Mackman, Mr Evan Dubisky, Mr Darryn Grant, Mr Stephen Cross
1 NAU MAI | Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 KARAKIA A TE KAUNIHERA | Council Blessing
Cr Kofoed read the Council blessing.
No apologies were received.
No declarations were made.
There were no public speakers.
6 Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations
There were no deputations.
Cr Wilson joined the meeting at 9:37am.
7 Ngā Take a ngā Mema | Members’ Business
(a) Leave of Absence
No leave of absence was requested.
(b) Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)
No matters of an urgent nature were raised.
Item – 7 (c) Members’ Items - was moved to a later part of the meeting.
Mr Michael Moore joined the meeting at 9:38am.
Cr Spiers left the meeting at 10:21am and returned at 10:22am.
Deputy Mayor Kirby left the meeting at 10:21am and returned at 10:23am.
8 He Kōrero Hou | Updates
Item - 8.1 Housing Update Kāinga Ora - was moved to a later part of the meeting.
8.2 Update on Kāpiti Health Advisory Group work programme Ian Powell of Kāpiti Health Advisory Group spoke to a presentation on a polyclinic concept for the district. Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth, discussed how this work programme aligns to central government priorities and Ms Pervan and Mr Powell answered members’ questions.. |
Committee Resolution SSS2024/4 Moved: Cr Martin Halliday Seconder: Cr Kathy Spiers That the Social Sustainability Subcommittee notes the update on the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group Work Programme. |
8.1 Housing Update - Kāinga Ora Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth, and Stephen Cross, Housing Programme Manager, introduced the update and answered questions from members regarding Kāinga Ora’s activities and priorities in the district. |
Committee Resolution SSS2024/5 Moved: Cr Nigel Wilson Seconder: Mr Michael Moore That the Social Sustainability Subcommittee notes the Kāinga Ora update. |
Mayor Janet Holborow left the meeting at 10:43 am and returned at 10:45 am.
Item - 8.2 Update on Kāpiti Health Advisory Group Work Programme - was moved to an earlier part of the meeting.
9 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Committee Resolution SSS2024/6 Moved: Cr Rob Kofoed Seconder: Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby That the minutes and minutes appendices of the Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting of 7 March 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record. |
710 Ngā Take a ngā Mema | Members’ Business
(c) Members’ Items
Members discussed the role of various Council-aligned community groups and considered how they may report into the Social Sustainability Subcommittee.
Mr Jonny Best mentioned that he would provide an update at the next meeting of the Subcommittee regarding the Raumati Community Board’s Community Liaison Group’s work with Kāinga Ora.
110 Karakia whakamutunga | Closing karakia
The Chair, Cr Halliday closed the meeting with karakia whakamutunga.
The Te Komiti Whāiti Toitūtanga Pāpori | Social Sustainability Subcommittee meeting closed at 11:16am.