Te Komiti Whāiti Āhuarangi me te Taiao | Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting

I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Te Komiti Whāiti Āhuarangi me te Taiao | Climate and Environment Subcommittee will be held on:

 Te Rā | Date:

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Te Wā | Time:


Te Wāhi | Location:

Council Chamber

Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road


James Jefferson

Group Manager Regulatory and Environment


Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


Kāpiti Coast District Council

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Te Komiti Whāiti Āhuarangi me te Taiao | Climate and Environment Subcommittee  will be held in the Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, on Thursday 4 April 2024, 9.30am.

Te Komiti Whāiti Āhuarangi me te Taiao | Climate and Environment Subcommittee Members

Cr Jocelyn Prvanov


Cr Sophie Handford


Mayor Janet Holborow


Cr Glen Cooper


Cr Liz Koh


Cr Shelly Warwick


Ms Kim Tahiwi


Mr Huriwai Paki


Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai (André Baker or Janine Huxford)


Mr Christian Judge


Mr Michael Moore


Mr Glen Olsen


Mr Tim Sutton


Mr Simon Black



Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


Te Raupapa Take | Order Of Business

1         Nau Mai | Welcome. 5

2         Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing. 5

3         Whakapāha | Apologies. 5

4         Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda. 5

5         He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda. 5

6         Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations. 5


7         Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business. 5

8         He Kōrero Hou | Updates. 6

8.1           Updates on Climate Change and Reslience and Environment Strategies. 6

8.2           Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP 2023-2029) Update. 9

9         Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes. 33

9.1           Confirmation of Minutes. 33

10       Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Karakia. 38



1          Nau Mai | Welcome

2          Karakia a te Kaunihera | Council Blessing

I a mātou e whiriwhiri ana i ngā take kei mua i ō mātou aroaro


E pono ana mātou ka kaha tonu ki te whakapau mahara huapai mō ngā hapori e mahi nei mātou.


Me kaha hoki mātou katoa kia whaihua, kia tōtika tā mātou mahi,


Ā, mā te māia, te tiro whakamua me te hihiri


Ka taea te arahi i roto i te kotahitanga me te aroha.


As we deliberate on the issues before us,



We trust that we will reflect positively on the
communities we serve.



Let us all seek to be effective and just,



So that with courage, vision and energy,



We provide positive leadership in a spirit of harmony and compassion.

3          Whakapāha | Apologies

4          Te Tauākī o Te Whaitake ki ngā Mea o te Rārangi Take | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda

Notification from Elected Members of:

4.1 – any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating to the items of business for this meeting, and

4.2 – any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968

5          He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

6          Ngā Teputeihana | Deputations


7          Ngā Take a Ngā Mema | Members’ Business

(a)        Leave of Absence

(b)        Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


8          He Kōrero Hou | Updates

8.1         Updates on Climate Change and Reslience and Environment Strategies.

Kaituhi | Author:                      Simon Scott, Senior Strategic Advisor

Kaiwhakamana | AuthoriserKris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth


Te pūtake | Purpose

1        This paper:

1.1    Seeks your agreement to the amended development and engagement approach to finalise the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, and Environment Strategy for the Kāpiti District.

1.2    Updates you on initial engagements with the Climate Change and Resilience Think Tank, and their next steps.



That the Climate and Environment Subcommittee:

A.      Note the contents of this update and revised engagement approach for the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy and Environment Strategy.

B.      Endorse the extended development timeline for finalising the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, and Environment Strategy from 30 June 2024 to 30 September 2024.

C.      Note that an update on this discussion is also being tabled at the Strategy, Operations, and Finance Committee (SOF) on 4 April 2024.

D.      Note that the Climate Change and Resilience Think Tank is now developing options for its work programme to support action in the four broad areas of focus set out in the DoT.


Tūāpapa | Background

2        At the SOF meeting on 22 February 2024, we provided an update on the progress with the four key Operating Strategies currently in development.

3        This indicated that:

3.1    for the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, following agreement to an aspirational net zero emissions target by 2040 in December 2023, we would test a Direction of Travel document (DoT) with the Climate Change and Resilience Community Think Tank (Think Tank), including new Community Board and mana whenua members, and then bring the DoT back to SOF on 14 March (meeting moved to 4 April) 2024 for approval to consult with the Community in late March

3.2    for the Environment Strategy, the key content for the DoT went to CES on 27 February 2024 for their review and endorsement following which SOF would be asked at its 4 April meeting (moved from 14 March) to consider and approve it for public consultation.

He take | issues

4        At the Think Tank meeting on 23 February 2024, members provided feedback around the engagement and communication challenges/opportunities and noted concerns around meaningful mana whenua input, climate adaptation as a gap, and potential for the group to focus on tangible things that people could become engaged with now.

5        The timing of Council’s engagement on the climate and environment strategies was also discussed, having regard to other related work currently being undertaken, including Vision Kāpiti, Takutai Kāpiti, the Long-Term Plan and Kāpiti Whaitua (led by Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC).

6        On the basis of this discussion, we proposed to this Subcommittee on 27 February that we push out the timeframes for the DoT for both the Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategies, given their interrelated nature.  

7        Adjusting the order of formal DoT consultation activities for will provide opportunities to better: 

7.1    Embody the community values and priorities identified through engagement on Vision Kāpiti and the Long-Term Plan, relating to climate change and our environment.

7.2    Incorporate the direction given by Takutai Kāpiti in relation to coastal adaptation and by Kāpiti Whaitua in relation to the management of water in the district.

7.3    Meaningfully engage with mana whenua to ensure that the strategies reflect the values and priorities of tangata whenua in relation to climate change and our environment.

7.4    Mitigate the potential for consultation fatigue or confusion to arise from having multiple community engagement activities occurring concurrently.

7.5    Engage with key stakeholder groups that are active in responding to climate change to better align goals, identify opportunities to lift capacity among stakeholder groups, and ensure Council and community resources and effort are being applied in the most effective and efficient ways, to improve environmental outcomes. 

8        The Think Tank has already provided feedback that they broadly endorsed the substantive material of the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy, and in particular the four broad focus areas set out.

9        Given the proposed change in engagement steps, noted above, in the short term, we are working with the Think Tank to develop a work programme to drive local, community-led actions in the four broad focus areas. Following this, in May 2024, the Think Tank will table their proposed work programme with this Committee for endorsement and from July 2024 provide a monthly update on their activity.

Ngā kōwhiringa | Options

10      There are no options to consider.

ngā Mahi panuku | next steps

11      Having regard to the above, the next steps on the Climate Change and Resilience Strategy and the Environment Strategy will involve:

11.1  Seeking general community input on environmental values and priorities as a part of the Vision Kāpiti engagement, via the Have your say website and the Ōtaki Library engagement hub during March-April 2024.

11.2  Engaging with mana whenua, through to August 2024, to inform the development of the DoT engagement documents and draft strategies.

11.3  Engaging with key stakeholder groups, including the Climate Change and Resilience Think Tank and advisory groups, and central and regional government agencies, through to July 2024, including possible climate and environment stakeholder symposium(s) with date TBC.

11.4  The opportunity to better align and incorporate work on Takutai Kāpiti Coastal Adaptation Plan and the Kāpiti Whaitua work.

11.5  Formal public engagement on the Climate Change and Resilience and Environment Strategy DoT documents from July 2024, subject to CES and SOF endorsement.

11.6  Drafting of the Climate and Resilience Strategy and the Environment Strategy, for consideration and endorsement by CES and SOF by September 2024.


 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments



Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


8.2         Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP 2023-2029) Update

Kaituhi | Author:                      Robbie Stillwell, Waste Projects Manager

Kaiwhakamana | AuthoriserSean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure and Asset Management


Te pūtake | Purpose

1        Provide an update on next steps to implement the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2023-2029 as discussed at the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Joint Committee on March 4, 2024.

2        Provide an update on ongoing local waste management and minimisation projects.



That the Climate and Environment Subcommittee:

A.      Note the update on the development of local and regional implementation plans for the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2023-2029.

B.      Note the update on progress against ongoing local and regional waste management and minimisation projects.


Tūāpapa | Background

3        Over the past year the eight councils in the Wellington region have been developing a new WMMP to replace the WMMP 2017-2023. As of 14 February 2024 all eight councils in the region have adopted the Wellington Region WMMP 2023-2029 as their new WMMP.

4        The eight councils are now beginning to develop an implementation plan for the regional and local level actions outlined in the WMMP. A draft of this implementation plan will be presented to the Joint Committee in June 2024.

5        Alongside the implementation plan, work is also being carried out to baseline the 9 targets in the WMMP and consolidate data to report on them. The first annual report on the progress against the WMMP targets will be provided to the Joint Committee in late 2024.

6        In addition to this work, there are also a number of ongoing waste management and minimisation projects that are currently being carried out at a local level in line with the WMMP. Local updates from the councils have been provided as part of the attached report.

He take | issues

7        No issues are being presented as part of this update.

Ngā kōwhiringa | Options

8        No options are being provided as part of this update.

ngā Mahi panuku | next steps

9        An update on the Otaihanga Zero Waste Hub will be presented to this subcommittee on May 14.


 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments

1.       Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Joint Committee update - March 4 2024  


Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024



Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


9          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

9.1         Confirmation of Minutes

Author:                    Evan Dubisky, Democracy Services Advisor

Authoriser:              James Jefferson, Group Manager Regulatory and Environment




Taunakitanga | Recommendations    

That the minutes of the Climate and Environment Subcommittee meeting of 27 February 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record.



 Ngā āpitihanga | Attachments

1.       Unconfirmed Minutes of 27 February 2024 Meeting   


Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024



Climate and Environment Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

4 April 2024


10        Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Karakia

Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa,


Kia hua ai te mākihikihi, e kī ana


Kia toi te kupu


Kia toi te reo


Kia toi te wairua


Kia tau te mauri


Ki roto i a mātou mahi katoa i tēnei rā


Haumi e! Hui e! Taiki e!


May blessings be upon us all,



And our business be successful.


So that our words endure,


And our language endures,


May the spirit be strong,


May mauri be settled and in balance,


Among the activities we will do today


Join, gather, and unite!  Forward together!