MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Council Meeting
Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Thursday, 28 March 2024 AT 9.33am


PRESENT:              Mayor Janet Holborow, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, Cr Glen Cooper, Cr Martin Halliday, Cr Sophie Handford, Cr Rob Kofoed, Cr Liz Koh, Cr Jocelyn Prvanov, Cr Kathy Spiers, Cr Shelly Warwick, Cr Nigel Wilson


IN ATTENDANCE: Kim Tahiwi, David Shand, David Cochrane, Bede Laracy, Cam Butler, Guy Burns, Bernie Randall, Darren Edwards, Mark de Haast, Sean Mallon, Hara Adams, Kris Pervan, Steve Millar, Laura Willoughby, Anna Smith, Jessica Mackman, Maria Cameron, Miles O’Connor, Chris Worth, Hamish McGillivray


                                 Via zoom:  Richard Mansell, Sheryl Gavin, Ahmed Sofe, Sam Nicolle


WHAKAPĀHA |       Glen Olsen



LEAVE OF               There were none.



1          Nau Mai | Welcome

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2          Karakia | Council BlessinG

Kim Tahiwi opened the meeting with karakia at the request of the Chair.

3          Whakapāha | Apologies


Resolution  CO2024/14

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Rob Kofoed

That the apology received from Glen Olsen be accepted.



4          TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the AgendA

No declarations of interest were made.

5          Te Whakatakoto Petihana | Presentation of Petition

There were no petitions presented.

6          Ngā Whakawā | Hearings

There were no updates related to hearings.


7          HE WĀ KŌRERO KI TE MAREA MŌ NGĀ MEA E HĀNGAI ANA KI TE RĀRANGI TAKE  | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the AgendA

Mr David Ogden spoke on behalf of Grey Power regarding rates increases relating to Item 10.1 Adoption of Draft 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan Consultation Document.

Mr Conrad Peterson spoke regarding the Financial Strategy contained in Item 10.1 Adoption of Draft 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan Consultation Document.

Mr Kevin Burrows spoke on behalf of the Older Persons’ Council regarding rates and water rates relating to Item 10.1 Adoption of Draft 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan Consultation Document.

8          NGĀ TAKE A NGĀ MEMA | Members’ BusinesS

(a)               Leave of Absence

There were no leaves of absence requested.

(b)               Matters of an Urgent Nature

There were no matters of an urgent nature advised to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting.

9          Te Pūrongo a te Koromatua | Mayor's Report

The Mayor did not make a report at this meeting.

10        Pūrongo | Reports

Cr Glen Cooper left the meeting at 9:58 am.

Cr Glen Cooper returned to the meeting at 10:00 am.

Cr Martin Halliday left the meeting at 10:09 am.

Cr Martin Halliday returned to the meeting at 10:10 am.

Cr Glen Cooper left the room and joined the meeting via zoom at 10:40 am.

10.1       Adoption of Draft 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan Consultation Document and Supporting Information

Mark de Haast, Group Manager Corporate Services, Sam Nicolle, Ernst & Young, Darren Edwards, Chief Executive, and Jing Zhou, Chief Financial Officer briefly introduced the report, asked that the report be taken as read, and answered questions from members.


Resolution  CO2024/15

Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That Council:

A.    Adopts the supporting information as information that is relied upon by the content of the Consultation Document in accordance with section 95A(4) of the Local Government Act:

A.1      The proposed Financial Strategy for 2024-34

A.2      The proposed Infrastructure Strategy for 2024-54

A.3      The proposed Capital Works Programme

A.4      Forecast Financial Statements

A.5      Funding Impact Statements

A.6      Forecast Funding Impact Statement (Rates)

A.7      Significant Forecasting Assumptions

A.8      Proposed Rates Remission policy

A.9      Proposed Revenue and Financing policy

A.10   Proposed Development Contributions policy

A.11   Proposed Development Contributions Limited Remission policy

A.12   Proposed Significance and Engagement policy

A.13   Proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25

B.    Adopts the Consultation Document for the Long-term Plan 2024-34.

C.    Delegates the Mayor and the Chief Executive the authority to approve minor editorial changes to the material adopted.



Cr Shelly Warwick left the meeting at 10:52 am.

Cr Shelly Warwick returned to the meeting at 10:55 am.


10.2       Treasury Management Policy

Mark de Haast, Group Manager Corporate Services, and Miles O’Connor, Bancorp Treasury, briefly introduced the report via a presentation, highlighted some small corrections that needed to be made, and answered questions from members.

Resolution  CO2024/16

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

A.    That Council receives and notes this report including Appendices 1 and 2 to this report.

B.    That Council approves the recommended changes from Bancorp Treasury Services Limited, as detailed in paragraphs 10 to 27 of this report and shown in Appendix 1 to this report.

C.    The Council delegate authority to the Mayor and the Chief Executive to make further editorial changes to the Treasury Management Policy to remove the section on Managed Funds and the Glossary in Appendix 1 and 2 to this report

D.    The Council delegate authority to the Mayor and the Chief Executive to make further minor editorial changes to reflect current Governance Structure and Delegations and as may be required by the Council auditors Ernst & Young and/or Bancorp Treasury Services limited.

E.    That Council adopts a Draft Treasury Management Policy as part of the supporting documents required for the 2024-34 Draft Long-Term Plan and Consultation Document.

F.    That Council notes a correction to paragraph 17, changing Appendix 4 to Appendix 3.

G.    That Council notes a correction to paragraph 12, changing the reference from letter to report. Further information is detailed in paragraph 25 of this report.



The meeting adjourned at 11:16 am and resumed at 11:45 am.


10.3       Proposed Alcohol Licensing Fees Bylaw

Hamish McGillivray, Manager Research and Policy, and Chris Worth, Principal Policy Advisor introduced the report, asked that the report be taken as read, and answered questions from members.

Resolution  CO2024/17

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Cr Martin Halliday

That the Council:

A.    Receives the report “Proposed Alcohol Licensing Fees Bylaw” dated 28 March 2024.

B.    Agrees to consult on a proposed Alcohol Licensing Fees Bylaw to prescribe fees for its Alcohol Licensing functions and activities on the basis of:

B.1     Level of cost recovery and fees change - Option 1, paragraph 29 of the report.

B.2     Timing of change – Option 1, paragraph 32 of the report.

B.3     Weighting of fees – Option 1, paragraph 37 of the report.

C.    Approve the Consultation Document (Attachment 1) and draft Alcohol Licensing Fees Bylaw (Attachment 2) for consultation alongside the LTP 2024-2034 (Option 1, paragraph 41 of the report.).

D.    Delegates power to the Mayor and Chief Executive to make amendments to the Consultation Document (Attachment 1) and draft Alcohol Licensing Fees Bylaw (Attachment 2) to incorporate any substantive feedback from Council.




10.4       Rates Remission for Land Protected for Natural or Cultural Conservation Purposes

Rachael Ashdown, Biodiversity Advisor, and Andy McKay, Team Leader Environment & Ecological Services introduced the report, asked that it be taken as read and answered questions from members.

Resolution  CO2024/18

Moved:       Cr Shelly Warwick

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

A.    That the Council approves the amounts of rates remission to the properties set out in Appendix 2 of this report in accordance with Council’s Policy for Rates Remission for Land Protected for Natural or Cultural Conservation Purposes.



The meeting adjourned at 12:22 pm and resumed at 12:27 pm.


Cr Sophie Handford left the meeting at 12:28 pm.

Cr Sophie Handford returned to the meeting at 12:32 pm.

Cr Glen Cooper left the meeting at 12:35 pm.

Cr Glen Cooper returned to the meeting at 12:36 pm.


10.5       Regional Collaboration on a Water Services Delivery Plan

Darren Edwards, Chief Executive and Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure and Asset Management introduced the report and answered questions from members.

Resolution  CO2024/19

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That the Council:

A.    Notes the Government’s intended legislative changes to give effect to Local Water Done Well policy, including the requirement on councils to develop a water service delivery plan

B.    Approves signing of an Memorandum of Understanding to jointly develop a water service delivery plan with the other councils in the Wellington region;

C.    Agrees to delegate authority to the Chief Executive to finalise the Memorandum of Understanding, consistent with discussions and any amendments made by the council;

D.    Agrees to nominate Mayor Janet Holborow as the elected member to be Council’s representative on the Advisory Oversight Group for the joint water service delivery plan process.



Cr Sophie Handford left the meeting at 12:46 pm.


10.6       Reports and Recommendations from Standing Committees

Jessica Mackman, Acting Team Leader Democracy Services asked that the report be taken as read.

Resolution  CO2024/20

Moved:       Cr Martin Halliday

Seconder:  Cr Kathy Spiers

A.    That the Council receives this report.



Cr Sophie Handford returned to the meeting at 12:58 pm.

11        Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

This item was moved to a later point in the meeting.

Item - 11.1 Confirmation of Minutes - was moved to another part of the minutes.

12        Te Whakaūnga o Ngā Āmiki Kāore e Wātea ki te Marea | Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes  

13        Purongo Kāore e Wātea ki te Marea | Public Excluded ReportS

Resolution to Exclude the Public

Public Excluded Resolution  CO2024/21

Moved:       Cr Liz Koh

Seconder:  Cr Shelly Warwick

That, pursuant to Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, the public now be excluded from the meeting for the reasons given below, while the following matters are considered.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

12.1 - Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

Section 7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

Section 7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

Section 7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

Section 48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7



The Kaunihera | Council meeting went into public excluded session at 12:58 pm.


Resolution  CO2024/23

Moved:       Cr Liz Koh

Seconder:  Cr Martin Halliday

That the Kaunihera | Council moves out of a public excluded meeting.




The Kaunihera | Council came out of public excluded session at 12:59 pm.



11.1       Confirmation of Minutes

Resolution  CO2024/24

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Liz Koh

That the minutes of the Council meeting of 29 February 2024 be accepted as a true and correct record.







The Kaunihera | Council meeting closed with karakia at 1:00pm.



