MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Council Meeting
Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Thursday, 20 July 2023 AT 9.32am


PRESENT:              Mayor Janet Holborow, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, Cr Glen Cooper, Cr Martin Halliday, Cr Sophie Handford, Cr Liz Koh, Cr Kathy Spiers, Cr Shelly Warwick, Cr Nigel Wilson


IN ATTENDANCE: Denise Hapeta (Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki)(via Zoom), Huriwai Paki (Ngāti Toa Rangatira)(via Zoom), Cam Butler, Glen Olsen, Richard Mansell, Tim Sutton, Darren Edwards, Ewen Church, Janice McDougall, Mike Mendonça, Kris Pervan, Glen O’Connor, Steffi Haefeli, Kate Coutts, Evan Dubisky, Jessica Mackman, Anna Smith, Hayley Collett, Nicky Holden, Kelvin Irvine, Hamish McGillivray, Sarah Wattie, Claire Winter, Cr Penny Gaylor (Greater Wellington Regional Council), Bruce Henderson, Lynne Sleath, John Tocker, Glenn Wiggs


WHAKAPĀHA |      André Baker (Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai)



LEAVE OF               Cr Rob Kofoed, Cr Jocelyn Prvanov



1           Nau Mai | Welcome

Mayor Janet Holborow welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2            Karakia | Council BlessinG

The Mayor read karakia a te Kaunihera (the Council Blessing).

3            Whakapāha | Apologies


Resolution  CO2023/83

Moved:       Cr Kathy Spiers

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the apology received from André Baker (Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai) be accepted.


4            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the AgendA

There were no declarations of interest made.

5            Te Whakatakoto Petihana | Presentation of Petition

There were no petitions presented.

6            Ngā Whakawā | Hearings

There were none.

7            HE WĀ KŌRERO KI TE MAREA MŌ NGĀ MEA E HĀNGAI ANA KI TE RĀRANGI TAKE  | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the AgendA

Glenn Wiggs and John Tocker of the Waikanae Beach Residents’ Society spoke in relation to item 10.3 Asset Management Plan - Halls and Community Centres with a focus on the needs of the Waikanae Beach community and answered members’ questions.

Lynn Sleath, Secretary of Kāpiti Cycling Action, spoke in relation to item 10.2 Cycleways, Walkways, and Bridleways Advisory Group - Revised Terms of Reference for 2022-2025 and proposed possible actions for the Cycleways, Walkways, and Bridleways Advisory Group.

Tabled documents

The following documents were tabled.

Document from Lynn Sleath, Secretary of Kāpiti Cycling Action.


1        Document from Lynn Sleath 20 July 2023


8            NGĀ TAKE A NGĀ MEMA | Members’ BusinesS

(a)             Leave of Absence

There were none.

(b)             Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

There were none.

9            Te Pūrongo a te Korormatua | Mayor's Report

There was no Mayor’s Report submitted at this meeting.

Mayor Janet Holborow indicated that the meeting would adjourn at 10.30am in order for members to attend a book launch for Kāpiti Arts Studio at the Paraparaumu library.

10          Pūrongo | Reports

10.1       Progress and next steps on the Wainuiwhenua project

Hamish McGillivray, Manager Research & Policy introduced the report and took the report as read.

Hamish McGillivray and Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy & Growth answered members’ questions together with Councillor Penny Gaylor, Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Councillor Kathy Spiers left the meeting at 10.27am.

Resolution  CO2023/84

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

A.    Council notes progress on the Wainuiwhenua project.

B.    Council supports further work to scope options including shared ownership and management arrangements to inform decisions in support of the Wainuiwhenua project.



The meeting adjourned at 10.31am and reconvened at 10.55am.

Councillor Kathy Spiers returned to the meeting at 10.55am.


10.2       Cycleways, Walkways, and Bridleways Advisory Group - Revised Terms of Reference for 2022-2025

Mike Mendonça, Acting Group Manager Place & Space introduced the report.

Bruce Henderson, Chair of the Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways Advisory Group (CWBAG) and Steve Lewis, member of the Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways Advisory Group, spoke to the presentation and provided an update on the work of the Group and a proposed Kāpiti trail network.

Bruce Henderson and Steve Lewis answered members’ questions.

Councillor Glen Cooper left the meeting at 11.08am and returned at 11.11am.

Resolution  CO2023/85

Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Cr Shelly Warwick

That Council approves the revised Terms of Reference for the Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways Advisory Group with the following amendments:

a.    3.2.1 to read ‘walking and running’

b.    18 to read ‘the quorum is comprised of; one elected member, plus three community or iwi representatives, plus one Council officer.’


Tabled documents

The following documents were tabled.

Presentation by Bruce Henderson, Chair of the Cycleways, Walkways and Bridleways Advisory Group.


1        Presentation by Bruce Henderson 20 July 2023


10.3       Asset Management Plan Halls and Community Centres

Mike Mendonça, Acting Group Manager Place & Space introduced the report.

Mike Mendonça answered members’ questions alongside Claire Winter, Contractor to Kāpiti Coast District Council and Kelvin Irvine, Property & Facilities Maintenance Manager.

Resolution  CO2023/86

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That the Council:

A.    Notes the Asset Management Plan Halls and Community Centres (Enclosure 1).

B.    Approves in principle the Asset Management Plan as the basis for long term planning.

C.   Notes that funding options will be presented as part of the process for the Long-Term Plan 2024.



The meeting adjourned at 12.21pm and reconvened at 12.57pm.


10.4       Establishment of a Māori Ward

Mayor Janet Holborow proposed that this item be left to lie on the table as mana whenua representatives were not all present and requested the report be brought to the Council meeting of 10 August 2023.

Resolution  CO2023/87



Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the item of business, 10.4 Establishment of a Māori Ward, should lie on the table and not be discussed until it is brought to the Council meeting of 10 August 2023.



10.5       Selecting the Electoral System for Local Body Elections 2025

Anna Smith, Senior Advisor Democracy Services, took the report as read, and alongside Steffi Haefeli, Manager Democracy Services and Janice McDougall, Group Manager People & Partnerships, answered members’ questions.


Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Cr Glen Cooper

That Council consider the electoral system for the 2025 local body elections and:

A2. Introduce the First Past the Post (FPP) system as the electoral system for the 2025 local body elections, and this decision be publicly notified by 19 September 2023 in accordance with statutory requirements.



Moved:       Cr Sophie Handford

Seconder:  Cr Kathy Spiers

That Council consider the electoral system for the 2025 local body elections and:

A1. Retain the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system as the electoral system for the 2025 local body elections, and this decision be publicly notified by 19 September 2023 in accordance with statutory requirements;


Resolution  CO2023/88

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Liz Koh

That Council consider the electoral system for the 2025 local body elections and:

A3. Resolve to undertake a poll of electors on the electoral system to be used for the next two triennial elections, in accordance with the provisions in the Local Electoral Act 2001.




10.6       Elected Members' Remuneration, Expenses and Allowances Policy 2022-2025 & Non-Elected Members' Fees Framework 2022-2025 Update

Jessica Mackman, Senior Advisor Democracy Services introduced the report and took the report as read.

Resolution  CO2023/89

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

A.  That Council notes the updated Elected Members’ Remuneration, Expenses and Allowances Policy in Appendix 2 – Elected Members’ Remuneration, Expenses and Allowances Policy 2022-2025.

B.  That Council notes the updated Non-Elected Members’ Fees Framework 2022-2025 in Appendix 3 – Non-Elected Members’ Fees Framework 2022-2025.



10.7       Reports and Recommendations from Standing Committees and Community Boards

Steffi Haefeli, Manager Democracy Services, introduced the report. Waikanae Community Board Chair Richard Mansell spoke to the report and Glen O’Connor, Acting Group Manager Infrastructure Services, answered members’ questions.

Resolution  CO2023/90

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

A.    That the Council receives this report.


B.    That the Council notes the following recommendation from the Waikanae Community Board meeting on 27 June 2023:

·         Recommends to Council to allocate funds in the first three years of the Long-Term Plan for the design and implementation of safety measures for pedestrian safety on Te Moana Road.



Cr Glen Cooper left the meeting at 2.01pm.


Cr Liz Koh left the meeting at 2.02pm and did not return.


Cr Glen Cooper returned to the meeting at 2.03pm.

11          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

11.1       Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Council meeting of 29 June 2023 be accepted as a true and correct record.

Resolution  CO2023/91

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson


12          Purongo Kāore e Wātea ki te Marea | Public Excluded ReportS

Resolution to Exclude the Public

Public Excluded Resolution  CO2023/92

Moved:       Cr Shelly Warwick

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That, pursuant to Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, the public now be excluded from the meeting for the reasons given below, while the following matters are considered.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

12.1 - Strategic Property Update

Section 7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

Section 48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7



The Kaunihera | Council meeting went into public excluded session at 2.03pm.

Resolution  CO2023/93

Moved:       Cr Shelly Warwick

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the Kaunihera | Council moves out of a public excluded meeting.




The Kaunihera | Council came out of public excluded session at 2.50pm


Mayor Janet Holborow closed the meeting with karakia.


The Kaunihera | Council meeting closed at 2.50pm.


