MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee Meeting
Council Chamber, Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Thursday, 18 May 2023 AT 9.41am


PRESENT:              Cr Sophie Handford, Mayor Janet Holborow, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, Cr Glen Cooper (via Zoom), Cr Martin Halliday, Cr Jocelyn Prvanov, Cr Shelly Warwick, Cr Nigel Wilson, Cr Kathy Spiers, Ms Kim Tahiwi (Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki)(via Zoom)


IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Darren Edwards, Mr Sean Mallon, Mrs Janice McDougall, Mr Mike Mendonça, Ms Kris Pervan, Mr James Jefferson, Mr Simon Black, Mr Bede Laracy,  Mr Michael Moore, Ms Steffi Haefeli, Ms Kate Coutts, Ms Anna Smith, Ms Sheryl Gavin, Mr Hamish McGillivray, Ms Jing Zhou, Ms Jo Bryan, Ms Aston Mitchell, Ms Susan Owens

                                 Via Zoom: Mr Mark de Haast, Ms Jessica Mackman


WHAKAPĀHA |      Cr Rob Kofoed, Mr Christopher Gerretzen (Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai), Mr André Baker (Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai), Glen Olsen (Chair of the Paraparaumu Community Board)



LEAVE OF               Cr Liz Koh



1            NAU MAI | Welcome

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2            KARAKIA A TE KAUNIHERA | Council Blessing

The Chair opened the meeting with karakia.

3            WHAKAPĀHA | Apologies


Committee Resolution  SOF2023/21

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Jocelyn Prvanov

That the apology received from Cr Rob Kofoed, Mr Christopher Gerretzen, Mr André Baker, and Mr Glen Olsen be accepted.



4            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda 

There were none.

5            He Wā Kōrero ki te Marea mō ngā Mea e Hāngai ana ki te Rārangi Take | Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

There were none.

6            Ngā Take a ngā Mema | Members’ Business

(a)             Leave of Absence

There were none.

(b)             Matters of an Urgent Nature (advice to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

Matter of an urgent nature – LGNZ kiwisaver remit

A matter of an urgent nature on proposing a remit to LGNZ to lobby for Government to enable all Local Government Elected Members to be eligible for KiwiSaver benefits was notified to the Chair. This matter cannot be delayed until the next meeting as remits are due with LGNZ by next 24 May 2023.


Cr Martin Halliday spoke to this matter and members’ discussed the remit. It was noted that the remit would be amended to specify the age range of 18-65.


Committee Resolution  SOF2023/22

Moved:       Cr Martin Halliday

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That the Council propose a remit to Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) for the upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held in July 2023, and seeks five other Councils to sign in support. The remit asks LGNZ, Local Government NZ to lobby on our behalf for Government to enable all Local Government elected members in Aotearoa NZ to be eligible for KiwiSaver benefits included with their remuneration.



7            He Kōrero Hou | Updates

There were none.

8            Pūrongo | Reports

8.1         National Policy Statement on Urban Development – Quarter 3 Report

Hamish McGillivray, Manager Research and Policy, and Aston Mitchell, Policy Advisor, spoke to the report and alongside Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy and Growth, answered members’ questions.

Committee Resolution  SOF2023/23

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Cr Martin Halliday

A.    That the Committee notes the findings of the NPS-UD monitoring report for Quarter 3 as attached as Attachment 1 of this report.

B.    That the Committee agrees that future quarterly reporting be published to Elected Members via the Elected Member Bulletin (rather than through tabling at the Social Sustainability Committee and this Committee), alongside publishing on the Council’s urban development capacity webpage.

C.   That the Committee notes that the Quarter 4 NPS-UD monitoring report, setting out more meaningful annual results, will be tabled in September 2023.



8.2         Vision Kapiti Progress and Next Steps

Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy and Growth, and Jo Bryan, Strategy Manager spoke to the report and answered members’ questions.

Committee Resolution  SOF2023/24

Moved:       Cr Shelly Warwick

Seconder:  Cr Jocelyn Prvanov

That the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee:

A.    Endorse the community engagement approach for developing Vision Kāpiti (Attachment 1) and outlined in paragraphs 12 to 16, including that:

·         Community engagement at local and district level is led by Elected Members, supported by staff.

·         Monthly feedback sessions will be used to incorporate feedback into our evolving thinking on Vision Kāpiti.


B.    Agree to refer to work on the vision and blueprint as ‘Vision Kapiti’, and for local area vision work to be referred to as ‘Vision [local area name]’


C.   Note that on 23 May 2023 we will discuss the refresh of the District outcomes and performance framework, and finalise local area and district information packs for upcoming engagements, along with media and communications that will support this work.



The meeting adjourned at 10:54 am and resumed at 11:07am.


8.3         Performance Report for the period ending 31 March 2023

Mark de Haast, Group Manager Corporate Services and Sheryl Gavin, Manager Corporate Planning and Reporting spoke to the report and alongside Kris Pervan, Group Manager Strategy and Growth, and Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure Services, answered members’ questions.

Committee Resolution  SOF2023/25

Moved:       Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

It is recommended that the Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee:

A.    Receives this report, and

B.    Notes the Council’s financial and non-financial performance for the nine months ended 31 March 2023, as attached in Appendix 1 to this report.



8.4         Mahara Gallery Opex Resolution - Report Back

Mike Mendonça, Acting Group Manager Place and Space spoke to the report and alongside Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure Services, answered members’ questions.

Committee Resolution  SOF2023/26

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That the Committee notes the report ‘Internal Review Mahara Gallery Opex’ (as appended at Attachment 1).



9            Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

9.1         Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution  SOF2023/27

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Cr Shelly Warwick

That the minutes of the Strategy, Operations and Finance meeting of 6 April 2023 be accepted as a true and correct record.



Cr Kathy Spiers left the meeting at 12:04pm.

10          PURONGO KĀORE E WĀTEA KI TE MAREA | Public Excluded Reports

Resolution to Exclude the Public

Public Excluded Resolution  SOF2023/28

Moved:       Mayor Janet Holborow

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby

That, pursuant to Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, the public now be excluded from the meeting for the reasons given below, while the following matters are considered.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

6.1 - Confirmation of Minutes

Section 7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

Section 48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




Te Komiti Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee meeting went into public excluded session at 12:04pm.


Committee Resolution  SOF2023/30

Moved:       Cr Shelly Warwick

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee moves out of a public excluded meeting.



Te Komiti Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee came out of public excluded session at 12:06pm.



The Chair closed Te Komiti Rautaki, Whakahaere, me te Ahumoni | Strategy, Operations and Finance Committee meeting with karakia at 12:07pm.



