MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Paekākāriki Community Board Meeting
St Peter's Hall, Beach Road, Paekākāriki
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 AT 7.00pm


PRESENT:              Mr Sean McKinley, Ms Kelsey Lee, Mr Christian Judge, Ms Sorcha Ruth, Cr Sophie Handford


IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Janet Holborow, Mr James Jefferson, Mr Mike Mendonça, Ms Disna Pathirage, Mr Paul Busing, Mr Vijay Soma, Mr Ron Minnema, Ms Anna Smith


WHAKAPĀHA |      Nil



LEAVE OF               Nil




1            NAU MAI | Welcome

Sean McKinley welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked Kelsey Lee to open with karakia.

2            WHAKAPĀHA | Apologies

There were none.

3            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda 

Christian Judge declared an interest in the Paekākāriki Informed Community Inc and any funding applications from Paekākāriki Resilience.

Cr Handford declared an interest in the Paekākāriki Informed Community Inc and any funding applications from Paekākāriki Resilience

4            HE WĀ KŌRERO KI TE MAREA | Public Speaking Time

Will Aitken spoke to the board and informed the community regarding plans for the old Post Office building which he has purchased and answered questions from members, and the community.

Sally Heppenstall spoke to the board regarding the Potty Potters application for funding to assist with the costs of improving security at the Paekakariki school nursery..

Jan Nisbett spoke to the board regarding the Whareroa Guardians Community Trust to assist with the costs of purchasing guards and bamboo stakes to protect new plantings.

Mark Amery from Paekākāriki Informed Community Inc. spoke to the board giving an update on the funding received via the Whakamanawa Fund and how it has been used, and is still being used to benefit the community.

Tabled documents

The following documents were tabled.


1        PICI Report to Paekākariki Community Board


Kerren Hedlund and Mark Amery spoke to the board regarding emergency preparedness within Paekākāriki Village, and a funding application for Paekākāriki Resilience.


5            NGĀ TAKE A NGĀ MEMA | Members’ Business

(a)             No leaves of absence have been applied for.

(b)             No matters of an urgent nature have been raised.

(c)              Sean McKinley and Cr Handford updated the board and the community on some of the work the board has been doing, including a shared market stall, and working on developing a vision for the community.

Christian Judge updated the board and the community on consultation undertaken deal with parking issues that are developing within the village.

Cr Handford updated the board and the community on the vision work that council is currently working on and how that will feed into a community vision for Paekākāriki.

Cr Handford also updated the board and the community regarding a meeting that was held with residents of the northern end of Tilley Road, Transmission Gully, NZTA, and Greater Wellington over the flooding issues that are occurring.


6            He Kōrero Hou | Updates

6.1         Update from Place and Space

Mr Mendonça, Group Manager Place and Space updated the board on the Place and Space team explaining which teams are within the group, what areas they are responsible for and upcoming projects for the Place and Space group.  Mr Mendonça answered questions from members and the community.

Committee Resolution  PCB2023/9

Moved:       Mr Christian Judge

Seconder:  Ms Sorcha Ruth

That the Paekākāriki Community formally record thanks to Helen Kievom for organising the ANZAC Day commemorations. 



6.2         Stormwater Outfall Upgrade

Ms Disna Pathirage gave an update on the reason for the Stormwater Outfall Upgrade project, the status of the asset, safety and other risks if council does nothing, the preferred option and the cost of alternative options and the affordability. Ms Pathirage answered questions from the board and the community.


6.3         Paekākāriki Seawall

Ms Disna Pathirage and Mr Paul Busing gave an update on the accessway tender for the Paekākāriki Seawall and the programme for replacing the wall in stages.  Ms Pathirage and Mr Busing answered questions from the board and the community. 


6.4         Update on Speed Management Drop-in Sessions

Ron Minnema and Vijay Soma updated the board on feedback from the Speed Management Plan Drop-In Sessions, and gave a brief recap on Speed Management Plans and the timeframes council is working to.  Mr Minnema answered questions from members and the public.


7            Pūrongo | Reports

7.1         Consideration of Funding Applications

Committee Resolution  PCB2023/10

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That the Paekakariki Community Board approve a grant of $1357.00 to the Potty Potters to assist with the costs of improving security at the Paekakariki school nursery from the Whakamanawa fund.


Committee Resolution  PCB2023/11

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Mr Christian Judge

That the Paekakariki Community Board approve a grant of $500 to Paekakariki Community Trust to assist with the costs of replacing the piano situated in St Peter’s Hall, Paekākāriki from the discretionary fund.


Committee Resolution  PCB2023/12

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That the Paekākāriki Community Board approve a grant of $2097.50 to Whareroa Guardians Community Trust to assist with the costs of purchasing guards and bamboo stakes to protect new plantings from the Whakamanawa Fund.


Committee Resolution  PCB2023/13

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Mr Christian Judge

That the Paekākāriki Community Board approve a grant of $500 to Paekākāriki Playcentre to assist with the costs of purchasing safety approved helmets for the children to use from the Paekākāriki discretionary fund.



Sophie Handford declared an interest in the Paekākāriki Playcentre application and did not vote on this item.

Committee Resolution  PCB2023/14

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Ms Kelsey Lee

That the Paekākāriki Community Board approve a grant of $500 to Paekākāriki Playcentre to assist with the costs of purchasing sand to top up the sand in the Playcentre sand pit.


Sophie Handford declared an interest in the Paekākāriki Playcentre application and did not vote on this item.


7.2         Consideration of Funding Applications for the Campe Estate

Committee Resolution  PCB2023/15

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Ms Kelsey Lee

That the Paekākāriki Community board support the application from the Paekakariki Community Trust and recommend that the Campe Estate trustees approve a grant to assist with the costs of replacing the piano situated in St Peter’s Hall, Paekākāriki, gifting the old piano and lessons to go along with it.



8            Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes

8.1         Confirmation of Minutes

Committee Resolution  PCB2023/16

Moved:       Mr Sean McKinley

Seconder:  Mr Christian Judge

That the minutes of the Paekākāriki Community Board meeting of 21 March 2023 be accepted as a true and correct record.



9            Ngā Take e Mahia ana | Matters Under Action

9.1         Matters Under Action


That the Community Board note Matters Under Action as attached.



10          TE WHAKAŪNGA O NGĀ ĀMIKI KĀORE E WĀTEA KI TE MAREA | Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

There were none.


The Poari ā-Hapori o Paekākāriki | Paekākāriki Community Board meeting closed at 9:42pm with karakia.



