MINUTES OF THE KĀpiti Coast District Council
Waikanae Community Board Meeting
Waikanae Community Centre, Utauta Street, Waikanae
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 AT 7.00pm


PRESENT:              Mr Tonchi Begovich, Ms Michelle Lewis, Mr Richard Mansell, Mr Michael Moore, Cr Nigel Wilson


IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Janet Holborow, Cr Jocelyn Prvanov, Cr Martin Halliday, Ms Kate Coutts, Mr Mike Mendonça, Ms Fiona Story, Mr Sean Mallon, Mr Ron Minnema, Ms Alison Law


WHAKAPĀHA |      Nil



LEAVE OF               Nil



1            NAU MAI | Welcome

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, and invited Cr Jocelyn Prvanov to sit at the table.

Mike Mendonça, Acting Group Manager Place and Space, opened the meeting with karakia.

2            WHAKAPĀHA | Apologies

There were none.

3            TE TAUĀKĪ O TE WHAITAKE KI NGĀ MEA O TE RĀRANGI TAKE | Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda 

There were none.

4            HE WĀ KŌRERO KI TE MAREA | Public Speaking Time

Pryor Rowland, on behalf of Waimeha Restoration Group, spoke in regard to the removal of phoenix palms from Victor Weggery Playground and Reserve, and answered members’ questions.

Carol Thornton, on behalf of Kapakapanui Lions Club Inc., spoke in support of their grant application. Board members raised whether hall hireage should be charged for such events. Mr Mendonça advised that this matter would need to be investigated as a policy change would be required.

Edwina Allen, on behalf of the Waikanae Orchard Establishment Group, introduced the group and spoke in support of their grant application and answered members’ question.

Gerald Ponsford spoke in regard to Te Moana Road traffic issues, and answered members’ questions. Mr Ponsford distributed material supporting this matter.

Russell Watson spoke in regard to heavy haulage trucks on Te Moana Road, and answered members’ questions.

David Archer spoke in regard to Te Moana Road traffic issues, and answered members’ questions.

Glen Wiggs spoke in regard to historical Waikanae weather events, recent weather events, and requested the Council investigate how a cyclone could affect Kāpiti. Board members discussed this matter.

Juliet Ashton spoke in regard to the absence of public transport for Te Horo Beach residents , and the installation of secure bike racks at Hyde Park, and answered members’ questions. Board members discussed this matter.

Brent Jarnell spoke in regard to the bollards/blockade and recent activities at Te Horo Beach, and answered members’ questions. Board members discussed this matter.

Terry McKee spoke in regard to the Mackays to Peka Peka revocation works along the Main Road in Waikanae, and the impact on the town centre, as well as the lack of communication from the Council and Waka Kotahi. Board members discussed these matters.

Gus Evans spoke in regard to the revocation works along the Main Road in Waikanae, and the impact on local businesses.

Joanna Poole spoke in regard to the Waikanae Futures Document and the Waikanae Beach Residents Society meeting with the Waikanae Ward Councillors, and traffic issues in Waikanae Beach. Members discussed the matters, and Ms Poole answered members’ questions.

Penny Eames spoke in regard to establishing an escape route for residents of Waikanae Beach North, and potential options for this. Supporting Ms Eames was Renee Corlett, Emergency Management Advisor – Community Resilience from the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO). Ms Eames and Ms Corlett answered members’ questions.

Marlene Frost spoke in regard to the traffic along Elizabeth Street, and in support of installing a pedestrian refuge on Winara Avenue and Elizabeth Street. Ms Frost distributed a letter in support of her matters, and answered members’ questions.

Gordon Shroff spoke on behalf of the Mahara Gallery Trust regarding recent activities of the conducted by the Trust. Mr Schroff distrbuted material to the board outlining these activities, which were funded by a Waikanae Community Board grant in the past triennium.

A resident of the Waikanae Ward, who requested that her name be withheld, spoke in regard to the coastal environment and biodiversity of Te Horo Beach and the Mangaone estuary, and recent property vandalism following the installation of concrete blocks in the area; and answered members’ questions.


The meeting adjourned at 9:08pm and resumed at 9:18pm.


Gerald Rhys, on behalf of the Waikanae Beach Residents Society, spoke in regard to the priorities for the Society in 2023. Mr Rhys distributed material outlining these priorities, and answered members’ questions.

John Tocker, on behalf of the Waikanae Beach Residents Society, spoke in regard to the current condition of the Waikanae Beach Hall, a mock-up he designed of the hall and possible alternative locations for the hall. Mr Tocker distributed material relating to this matter, and answered members’ questions.


Public Speaking Time – Material distributed by public speakers


1        Pryor Rowland - Removal of phoenix palms

2        Edwina Allen - Supporting documentation for grant application

3        Gerald Ponsford - Te Moana Road traffic issues

4        Marlene Frost - Letter regarding Elizabeth Street traffic issues

5        Gordon Schroff - Mahara Gallery Activities

6        Gerald Rhys - Waikanae Beach Residents Society Priorities for 2023

7        John Tocker - Waikanae Beach Hall Alternative Locations


5            NGĀ TAKE A NGĀ MEMA | Members’ Business

Members’ business was not discussed at the meeting.


7.4 Consideration of Applications for Funding was brought forward in the minutes to be discussed.


7.4         Consideration of Applications for Funding

Committee Resolution  WCB2023/1

Moved:       Mr Michael Moore

Seconder:  Ms Michelle Lewis


That the Waikanae Community Board approves a Promotional Fund grant of $4036.40 to Ngā Manu Nature Reserve, to assist with the cost of upgrading the Robin’s Nest event and education facility.


Committee Resolution  WCB2023/2

Moved:       Mr Richard Mansell

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the Waikanae Community Board approves a Discretionary Fund grant of $296.40 to the Kapakapanui Lions Club Inc., to assist with the cost of hiring the Waikanae Community Hall to hold the fundraising event “Sweet Louise”; with proceeds going to support women in the community with breast cancer.


Committee Resolution  WCB2023/3

Moved:       Mr Richard Mansell

Seconder:  Mr Michael Moore

That the Waikanae Community Board approves a Discretionary Fund grant of $500.00 to the Waikanae Orchard Establishment Group, to assist with the cost of purchasing fruit trees and materials to establish a community orchard.


















6            He Kōrero Hou | Updates

6.1         Speed Management Plan 'Heads Up'

Ron Minnema, Transport Safety Lead, gave an update on the Speed Management Plan 2024-27, and spoke to a presentation. Mr Minnema answered members’ questions, and noted sessions would be organised to work on a submission from the board.


8        Speed Management Plan 'Heads Up' Presentation


6.2         Update on the Brown Stone Wall

The update was deferred.


7            Pūrongo | Reports

7.1         Elected Members' Remuneration, Expenses and Allowances Policy

Committee Resolution  WCB2023/4

Moved:       Cr Nigel Wilson

Seconder:  Ms Michelle Lewis

That the Waikanae Community Board notes the Elected Members’ Remuneration, Expense and Allowances Policy in Appendix 1 – Elected Members’ Remuneration, Expenses and Allowances Policy 2022-2025 adopted by Council on 26 January 2023.



7.2         Adoption of Standing Orders - 2022-2025 Triennium

Fiona Story, Senior Advisor Democracy Services, took the report as read.

Committee Resolution  WCB2023/5

Moved:       Ms Michelle Lewis

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the Waikanae Community Board adopts the standing orders in the document Attachment 1 as the Waikanae Community Board standing orders for the 2022-2025 Triennium with effect from 1 March 2023.

That the Chairperson of the Waikanae Community Board is delegated the power under standing order 13.3 to grant a leave of absence to board members.



7.3         Proposed new mobility parking spaces, Marae Lane Carpark, Waikanae

Procedural Motion

Committee Resolution  WCB2023/6

Moved:       Mr Richard Mansell

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the item of business, 7.3 Proposed New Mobility Parking Spaces, Marae Lane Carpark, Waikanae, should lie on the table to be considered at the next board meeting.



Item - 7.4 Consideration of Applications for Funding - was moved to another part of the minutes.

8            Ngā Take e Mahia ana | Matters Under Action

9.1         Matters Under Action

The board discussed the matters under action, and members provided updates on recent activities undertaken by organisations they were appointed to.


Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure Services, spoke to the revocation works on the Main Road, Waikanae and the sewer rising main matter, and answered members’ questions.


The Chair would follow up with Waka Kotahi by way of a formal letter regarding the delays and impacts of the revocation works in the township.


Procedural Motion

Committee Resolution  WCB2023/7

Moved:       Mr Richard Mansell

Seconder:  Cr Nigel Wilson

That the meeting close and any matters that remained be discussed at the next Waikanae Community Board meeting.




The Poari ā-Hapori o Waikanae | Waikanae Community Board meeting closed at 10.30pm.



