MINUTES OF Kapiti Coast District Council
Council Meeting
Online via Zoom
Thursday, 24 February 2022 AT 9.32am


PRESENT:              Mayor K Gurunathan, Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow, Cr Angela Buswell, Cr James Cootes, Cr Jackie Elliott, Cr Gwynn Compton, Cr Jocelyn Prvanov, Cr Martin Halliday, Cr Sophie Handford, Cr Robert McCann, Cr Bernie Randall


IN ATTENDANCE: Community Board Members Kathy Spiers, James Westbury, Christine Papps,

                                 Mr Wayne Maxwell, Mrs Janice McDougall, Natasha Tod, Mark de Haast, Steve Cody, Darryn Grant, Hamish McGillivray, Chris Worth, Jason Holland, Suzanne Rushmere, Rita O’Brien, Kirsten Hapeta, Denise Hapeta, Onur Lewis, Fiona Story, Tanicka Mason, Kahu Ropata



APOLOGIES:         There were none.


LEAVE OF               There were none.




1            Welcome


2            Council Blessing

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and Cr Handford read the Council blessing.

3            Apologies

There were none.

4            Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda

There were none.

5            Presentation of Petition

There were none.

6            Hearings

There were none.


7            Public Speaking Time for Items Relating to the Agenda

Jess Ward – Ms Ward spoke to item 10.1 and gave thanks for the improvements made to roads around the Paraparaumu Beach School. Ms Ward spoke to the widening of Grey Avenue and the implications it would have on health and safety for children.

Pat Duignan – Mr Duignan spoke to item 10.2 on the agenda and focused his comments to Waikanae Beach.


8            Members’ Business

(a)             Public Speaking Time Responses

There were none.

(b)             Leave of Absence

There were none.

(c)              Matters of an Urgent Nature (advise to be provided to the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting)

There were none.

9            Mayor's Report

There was none.

10          Reports

10.1       Proposed Transport Bylaw

Resolution  CO2022/1

Moved:       Cr James Cootes

Seconder:  Cr Martin Halliday

That Council adopt the Kapiti Coast District Council Transport Bylaw 2022.

That Council authorises the Chief Executive to make any minor typographical and grammatical errors prior to publication.



Suzanne Rushmere, Roading Network Planner introduced the report. Ms Rushmere invited members to ask questions and provided responses


The meeting adjourned at 10.40am

The meeting resumed at 10.48am



10.2       District Growth Strategy for adoption

Resolution  CO2022/2

Moved:       Cr Robert McCann

Seconder:  Cr Jackie Elliott

That Council adopt the District Growth Strategy: Te tupu pai: Growing well.



Resolution  CO2022/3

Moved:       Cr Robert McCann

Seconder:  Cr Jackie Elliott

That Council agrees to an editorial group comprising the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chief Executive and Cr McCann to approve any further editorial changes to the document prior to publication.



Resolution  CO2022/4

Moved:       Cr Robert McCann

Seconder:  Cr Jackie Elliott

That a preliminary assessment of the area north of Ōtaki be undertaken for possible inclusion as a future growth area, and should be undertaken when internal capacity is available.



Hamish McGillivray, Manager Research & Policy spoke to the paper which identifies how Kapiti can grow well.

Mr McGillivray identified key changes made in response to the feedback received. The report was taken as read and staff responded to members questions.


10.3       Appointment to the Greater Wellington Regional Council Whaitua Committee

Resolution  CO2022/5

Moved:       Cr Jackie Elliott

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That Council confirms the appointment of Cr Prvanov to the Kāpiti Coast Whaitua Committee as of 1 March 2022.



Resolution  CO2022/6

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Cr Robert McCann

That Council confirms the appointment of Cr Holborow as an alternate to the Kāpiti Coast Whaitua Committee as of 1 March 2022.


Rita O’Brien, Stormwater & Coastal Engineer spoke the paper and answered members questions.


10.4       Reports and Recommendations from Standing Committees and Community Boards

Resolution  CO2022/7

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow


That the Council notes the following recommendations from the Waikanae Community Board on 9 November 2021:

That the Waikanae Community Board requests that the Council undertakes an inventory of all reserves in the Waikanae area, their status, whether or not they have been appropriately gazetted and if not, what actions need to be taken to achieve that. The Board requests that a report on this be presented to the Community Board meeting scheduled for March 2022.

That the Waikanae Community Board requests that Council defers the planned strengthening and renewal work on the Waikanae Beach Hall, to enable discussion between Council, the Waikanae Community Board and the Waikanae Beach Residents Association regarding a possible alternative hall or facility which is fit for purpose.



Resolution  CO2022/8

Moved:       Cr Martin Halliday

Seconder:  Cr Bernie Randall

That the Paraparaumu/Raumati Community Board requests Councillors to please re-visit the Beach Bylaw Section 16.3 Authorised Disability Parking Areas are located in the following sites to include:

(c)  The Authorised Boat Launch and Retrieve area at Manly Street North

as soon as possible to allow vehicles access to the Beach Manly Street North for people with disabilities.




Resolution  CO2022/9

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow

That Council receives this report (Reports and Recommendations from Standing Committees and Community Boards.


Cr Prvanov expressed concern at the time that has lapsed between the recommendations being passed and any acknowledgement from Council staff. Cr Prvanov also stated that when recommendations are simply noted this does not signal that any action needs to be taken by staff.

The Mayor signalled that he would follow up with staff in regards to the Waikanae Community Board  recommendations and obtain a response. His Worship would also investigate the process by which community board recommendations make their way to Council table and have this process documented.


11          Confirmation of Minutes

11.1       Confirmation of minutes

Resolution  CO2022/10

Moved:       Cr Angela Buswell

Seconder:  Cr Robert McCann

That the minutes of the Council meeting of 25 November 2021 be accepted as a true and correct record.




Resolution  CO2022/11

Moved:       Cr Angela Buswell

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow

That the minutes of the Council meeting of 9 December 2021 be accepted as a true and correct record.





Resolution  CO2022/12

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Cr Robert McCann

That the Council meeting be adjourned until 2.35pm



The meeting resumed at 3.01pm



12          Public Speaking Time

·                         Covering other items if required

There were none.

·                         Public Speaking Time responses

There were none.

13          Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

14          Public Excluded Reports

Resolution to Exclude the Public

Public Excluded Resolution  CO2022/13

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Cr Sophie Handford

That, pursuant to Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, the public now be excluded from the meeting, with the exception of Nick Regos who has information that will be of use to the committee for the reasons given below, while agenda item 14.1 is considered.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

13.1 - Confirmation of public excluded minutes

Section 7(2)(b)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would disclose a trade secret

Section 7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

Section 48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7

14.1 - Land Audit and Property Disposals

Section 7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

Section 7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

Section 7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable Council to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

Section 48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7





Resolution  CO2022/18

Moved:       Mayor K Gurunathan

Seconder:  Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow

That the Council moves out of a public excluded meeting.




The Council meeting went into public excluded session at 3.02pm.


The Council came out of public excluded session at 4.43pm.



The Council meeting closed at 4.43pm



